Category Archives: Education

Wednesday 6.8 Show Notes

*Note: Friday will have special coverage of the Local Coordinator Summit in Atlanta and The Brazen 3 will return live Monday.

DOE SWAT Team Raids House

Dept. of Education SWAT Raid Update: Not for a Student Loan, DoE Says

Education Department buying 27 shotguns

Congrats, New Media: Journalism Is Back

GOP mulls short-term debt-ceiling hike

China to US: Forget debt ceiling, cut spending

The Federal Reserve and Financial Repression

Credit Default Swaps and why there are warnings about American credit ratings.



Reading, Writing and Reloading.

Reading, Writing and Reloading.

Today’s show is accepting theories on why the Department of Education needs a SWAT team. We’ll also cover China’s position… that America reduce spending while the GOP is thinking about a “short-term debt-ceiling raise.”

The Brazen 3 also welcome Anthony Tarquinto from American Thinker to talk about the Federal Reserve’s actions and how they specifically relate to your corner bank.

Listen LIVE from 10-11pm eastern and call 805.285.9769 to get on air!


All Tea Parties are NOT created equal

All Tea Parties are NOT created equal

Over the weekend a certain Tea Party Poser Express stated that the tea party would back any republican nominee.


Tonight we’ll be covering the tea party flowchart, the four food groups (no, really), and the majesty of McDonalds (yes, really)

Listen LIVE HERE and call 805.285.9769 to get on air!


Show Notes Friday 5.27

Yes, I was just that lazy…

Shumlin signs nation’s first single-payer health care bill into law

Vermont Pass Single-Payer Health Care: Model to Cover All Americans?

Vermont becomes the latest state to pass a law making it clear they won’t be implementing Obamacare. Because they’re going full on single-payer universal healthcare instead and why it doesn’t really change anything.

The Business of Poverty: Obscene Salaries Dominate at Int’l Development Banks

It’s All Your Money: Foreign Aid to Muslim/Arab nations

There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says

Oregon Senator Wyden freezes second Internet censorship bill

U.S. won’t pay for Ferrari wrecked by FBI agent

Obama stammers and bumbles his way through impromptu public speaking because he’s so brilliant his mind is working faster than his mouth. This is what liberals actually believe

Pray for This Guy


Boehner’s best, Biden’s worst. Still a tossup?

The budget battle for 2012 is underway with Boehner asking for trillions in cuts and Biden coming back with a tax hike. How will this episode of “Pawn Stars” end? Find out from 10-11p and call 805.285.9769 with your car-buying skills.


==>This link is the blue pill<==


Show Notes, Monday 5.2

*Note: visit and locate your state coordinator for details on the disaster relief.

GOP Rep. Paul Ryan says he also wants to cut ‘corporate welfare’

Firefighters Union to Stop Funding Federal Campaigns, Focus on State Races

Texas Bill Would Make Invasive Pat-Downs a Felony

Musharraf: Bin Laden mission violated Pakistan

Bin Laden’s luxury hideout raises questions


Guilty until innocent and backroom deals

Guilty until innocent and backroom deals

Obama is using his messianic powers to condemn PFC Bradly Manning without a trial. Which is great, because there’s a homeless woman being charged with theft for sending her child to public school; he’ll need his powers of clairvoyance.

We’ve also got some great news on school choice!


Links used in Monday’s show:

Obama on Manning: “He Broke the Law.” So Much for that Trial?

GOP Kingmakers Wipe Tea Party Seats Off Map

Cop Viciously Assaults Innocent Stranger For Videotaping Him

Man Gets Beat and Arrested by a Thug Cop

Conn. woman arrested over son’s school enrollment


Tea Party Squatter

Get out your canes and prepare to whack me, because I have a confession to make. I went to my very first local tea party meeting just this last week. In my defense, I am married to a military man and we have moved 17 times in the past ten years. Thus, getting involved in local politics is almost a joke. Consequently, I’ve been involved on more of a national level. But since all politics are local, I likely deserve a few lashings. Be gentle – for Lauren and Shelby never are. While I take my caning, I’ll tell you a few things I learned at this local political event. And I respectfully pass them along to you.

I almost didn’t go. It was a school night. My husband is out of town. And I was haggard with running errands and getting the kids’ dinner made. I made it there 15 minutes late, having no idea who was speaking or what to expect from them. I walked in with a clean slate. Patrick Salyer, a member of the local school board who is running for city council, quickly crapped on that slate and told me it was delicious pudding – so eat up.

I'm not a tea partier, I just play one on TV.

One of the first characteristics I noted was that, within the first five minutes, Salyer used the word “constitution” or one of its variations numerous times. As I listened to his presentation, it became clear that not only did Salyer care nothing for constitutional limitations of government, he was simply using it as a catch phrase to hook his audience. Politicians have clued in to tea partiers’ devotion to the Constitution as the founding and guiding document in both our history and our current political climate. It’s important that we beware not to fall for simple catch phrases as they try to win our votes.

The next thing I learned is that, as political activists, we need to have our facts down. If you’re like me, statistics and numbers and raw data just don’t stick in your head. But these politicians who are trying to win the favor of the tea party movement have researchers combing through all the numbers that they need to make their case. As I sat in that meeting, I, as well as other members in the audience, felt an inherent distrust towards Mr. Salyer. But as he fed us numbers and statistics and conclusions that we did not have mentally cataloged, refuting him was impossible.

Tea partiers need to be studied. Perhaps not every one of us needs to know every statistic, but having each member of the group responsible for the details on one or two subjects will create a whole greater than the sum of its parts. And if we have that information, it yields us nothing unless we have the balls to use it – to present a different conclusion based on the same data to a room full of people or a politician who wants to dictate terms of government to us.

This brings up another point: if you have the data and your argument is solid, gather the chutzpah to head off with your opponent. A handful of people in that room had the data to refute Mr. Salyer, but their questions barely rose above a mumble and once he had served them up a piece of sugar-coated crap, they offered no retort. Tea partiers must not only be informed, but be willing to turn that information into an analysis, a question, or a refutation. We cannot sit passively as politicians bend the facts to facilitate their gain and expect us to swallow the idea of government on their terms.

As I chat with people around the country and at my local tea party meeting, I realize that there are so many good citizens sacrificing their time and resources to the correction of this country. But the tea party movement must be a self-correcting movement, lest unscrupulous outsiders exploit our weaknesses against us, just as Patrick Sayler attempted. For starters, we can beware of superficial tactics, such as catchphrases, to woo our votes. But let us be a party who knows their facts and challenges those who would pull the wool over our eyes. We have gathered. Now we’ll focus.


Posted by on March 14, 2011 in Education, Limited Government


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82% of WINNING

While socialist protesters are issuing death threats peacefully protesting in Wisconsin, another gem of government ingenuity is gracing the horizon. According to The Department of Education, the number of schools that are considered failing under the No Child Let Ahead Act, er, “No Child Left Behind Act”, will take a Flintstones vitamin and move from 37% to 82% this year.

If you happen to be in one of those schools, let me break it down a little for you (you’re going to need it).

With an 82% failure rate…

If you are driving a car more than 3 tires are flat.


For every 100 days you work, you get paid for 18 of them.


Your past 10 trips to the doctor have resulted in 8 failed treatments.


You pay for 10 lattes and get 8 empty cups.

If you need further clarification, please see me after class.

As if this is not ridiculous enough, the Department of Education is viewing this embarrassment as a problem with the standard as opposed to a problem with itself. The NCLB law was passed in 2002,  its goal being a 100% student proficiency rate in math and reading by 2014. Now, I’m a history major so let me get the calculator out…12 years. They couldn’t figure out how to help a child become functionally literate in 12 years? I wouldn’t trust these guys with a hair net and a name tag, let alone my kid for 7 hours a day. And, in a stunning revelation of how low the bar is set for success, this goal of producing proficient students is viewed as wildly optimistic.

Last year, the Department of Education administered a $ 70 billion budget. According to their own website:

“Education is primarily a State and local responsibility in the United States. It is States and communities, as well as public and private organizations of all kinds, that establish schools and colleges, develop curricula, and determine requirements for enrollment and graduation. The structure of education finance in America reflects this predominant State and local role. Of an estimated $1.13 trillion being spent nationwide on education at all levels for school year 2010-2011, a substantial majority will come from State, local, and private sources. This is especially true at the elementary and secondary level, where about 89.2 percent of the funds will come from non-Federal sources.”

I couldn’t agree more. This begs the question, “What would you say, you do here?”

I have people skills.

But, never fear. According to the Department of Education remedies are available to combat their 18% success rate.

“The most severe consequences — interventions that could include closure or replacing staff — would be reserved for those schools where students have been failing to improve for several consecutive years.”

Once again, I totally agree. If an institution has been failing for years or decades, replacing staff or complete closure is the way to go. If only it were possible to fire public union employees.

Since laying-off groups of government employees has been recently shown to produce death threats, it will probably be easier to just close the whole department. So… it’s been nice knowing you Department of Education. I think re-allocating your $70 Billion towards paying off debt will do nicely. Maybe you should have taken pointers from the TSA, at least they only have a 70% failure rate.

But wait! The teachers scream. We’re doing this for the children! We can’t turn our back on our future! Really? If a 82% failure rate is what you view as help, I would hate to see what you consider sabotage. Nobody is saying you can’t continue to help the children; we’re just saying the federal government can’t do it with you.

We live in America, home of the buffet. The government is not the only game in town. It is rumored that there are places called “charter schools” where you can direct your educational checking account (currently known as school vouchers) towards the educational establishment of YOUR CHOICE.

Bottom line, with public education’s journey to the dark side almost complete, we may want to wake up to the fact that the educational equivalent of Wal-Mart is more useless than a TSA screening point.

With friends like the Department of Education, who needs enemies?


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